Monday, August 31, 2009

sqloopen -2079391743 sqlcode -970

I bumped into this error message (sqloopen -2079391743) when I tried to run "EXPORT" utility on a DB2 UDB table on my AIX box. No SQLCODE displayed on the screen. I couldn't find much information on the net, however, when I learnt about the DB2DIAG command, it made life easy. I issued the following command:

db2diag -rc -2079391743

and I got exactly what I was looking for:

Input ZRC string '-2079391743' parsed as 0x840F0001 (-2079391743).

ZRC value to map: 0x840F0001 (-2079391743)

V7 Equivalent ZRC value: 0xFFFFC601 (-14847)

ZRC class : Non-Critical Media Error (Class Index: 4)

Component: SQLO ; oper system services (Component Index: 15)

Reason Code: 1 (0x0001)

Identifer: SQLO_ACCD
Identifer (without component): SQLZ_RC_ACCD

Description: Access Denied

Associated information: Sqlcode -970
SQL0970N The system attempted to write to a read-only file.
Number of sqlca tokens : 0
Diaglog message number: 8701

I changed the datapath in my EXPORT command to a folder in which I had write access and the command ran fine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much. It worked perfectly and it was so easy to find the solution in your blog!

Thank you for sharing your tips!