Many of you may be aware that "db2look" command can be used to extract DDL from DB2 UDB for LUW database. But do you know that you can use this command to extract DDL from a DB2 database for z/OS? Here is how you do it.
1. Bring up a db2cmd prompt (press Start button on your PC, click Run, type db2cmd and hit enter)
2. Connect to your mainframe DB2 subsystem using the command "db2 connectto SSID user USERID". It'll prompt for the password. Enter the password and hit enter
3. Issue the following command:
db2look -d SSID -i USERID -w PWD -e -a -l -x -p -o FILENAME.TXT
The options specified extracts the following info:
-e ==> Extract DDL statements for database objects. DDL for the followingdatabase objects are extracted when using the -e option: Tables, Views, Automatic summary tables (AST), Aliases, Indexes, Triggers, Sequences, User-defined distinct types, Primary key, referential integrity, and check constraints, User-defined structured types, User-defined functions, User-defined methods, User-defined transforms, Wrappers, Servers, User mappings, Nicknames, Type mappings, Function templates, Function mappings, Index specifications, Stored procedures
-a ==> When this option is specified the output is not limited to the objects created under a particular creator ID. All objects created by all users are considered. For example, if this option is specified with the -e option, DDL statements are extracted for all objects in the database. If this option is specified with the -m option, UPDATE statistics statements are extracted for all user created tables and indexes in the database.
Note: If neither -u nor -a is specified, the environment variable USER isused.
-l ==> If this option is specified, then the db2look utility will generate DDL for user defined table spaces, database partition groups and bufferpools.
-x ==> If this option is specified, the db2look utility will generate authorization DDL (GRANT statement, for example).
More info is available in the DB2 V8 LUW Command Reference:
Hello , this was a good article. But When I tried to execute the same with a ID which has access to DB2. I get the error saying
--An error has occured during Binding
Error Message =
SQL0551N "ID1" does not have the privilege to perform operation
"BINDADD" on object "DSND.NULLID.DB2L1G00". SQLSTATE=42501
SQL0031C File "C:\Documents and Set...\Administrator\DB2LK390.BND" could
not be opened.
Can you help me out ?
Thanks for the comments Refractor !!
As the error message says, you lack the authority to bind a required package. I guess you are not a DBA and this is the first time somebody is trying to use DB2LOOK at your shop. What you can do is, ask your DBA to try the same thing, which will in turn bind the package. Once that it done, you should not see this message.
Please let me know if it doesn't solve your problem.
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