When someone says, "you need to APF authorize this dataset", what do they mean?
Well, APF means "Authorized Program Facility". In a z/OS environment, APF is a facility that permits the identification of programs that are authorized to use restricted functions.
To find the datasets that are APF authorized:
1. Type TSO ISRDDN in your ISPF session (some shops need just ISRDDN with no TSO prefix) and hit enter.
2. Type APF and hit enter. It'll bring up a list of all datasets that are APF authorized.
Remember that, if you like to use a APF authorized dataset in a job STEPLIB, make sure all the datasets in the STEPLIB are APF authorized.
Hi Aji,
Is there anything Temp APF auth and perm APF auth,
At my site as per my system programmer, new Endevor release was not working since the datasets were temp apf.
Thanks in advance
Thanks for your comments. APF authorization on a data set can be issued through SYS1.PARMLIB(PROG00) or through another similar member PROGxx or directly through MVS console. When you APF authorize a dataset through PROG00, it's called "permanent" because, every time the LPAR is IPLed, it reads PROG00 and APF authorizes all required datasets. When you APF authorize through any other member such as PROGxx or directly through MVS console, it's "temporary", because it's lost when you IPL that LPAR.
Hope its clear. If not, please let me know.
Thanks !
If IEASYSxx does not point to PROG00 then it is temp, too. Any dynamic SET PROG or SETPROG is temporary until it is hardened in the PROGxx member pointed to by IPL parameters (IEASYSxx or operator override).
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