Monday, November 3, 2008


We use BCV split (Business Continuance Volume) technology to clone our Peoplesoft DB2 production subsystem to DB2 test subsystem. After we cloned one of our subsystems, we noticed that our programmers were not able to access QMF. They started getting the error message:

"DSQ16950 The location name is not known to the local DB2 subsystem.".

This was the error message from QMF. The actual error message issued by DB2 was "SQLCODE -950" which means "THE LOCATION NAME SPECIFIED IN THE CONNECT STATEMENT IS INVALID OR NOT LISTED IN THE COMMUNICATIONS DATABASE".

When you get this message check SYSIBM.LOCATIONS to see if a row is there for the DB2 subsystem it is complaining about. If there is one and the values are correct, check the application PLAN. In our case we checked QMF PLAN.

Check if you have the right value for CURRENTSERVER in your BIND PLAN. If you don't have the correct value, rebind the plan with correct value for this parameter. If you are on a local server (on a local LPAR), just remove this parameter. Removing this parameter and rebinding the plan fixed our issue with QMF.

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