Tuesday, April 20, 2010


SQLCODE -804 means something messed up with the SQLDA. Since SQLDA is internally created by DB2 for static COBOL programs, it is possible for a COBOL subscript to overwrite SQLDA statements which are inserted by DB2 at the end of the Working Storage section.

If your programmer complains about this sqlcode, have him/her increase the table size (increase the 'TIMES' parameter value) and recompile the program.


Unknown said...


I want to know that the folder structure in db2--Z/OS

Kumaresh T said...


Your question is incomplete. Please let me know what exactly are you looking for. Are you looking for the way data is organized in DB2 for z/OS? If so, it's all stored in Linear VSAM datasets.

Thanks !

PKG said...

You may want to try this also: http://pkgdb2.blogspot.com/2008/02/scoop-on-804-sqlcodes.html