Often times, when you are diagnosing a problem on mainframe, if you contact the tech support of the product, you will be asked to set up a SLIP trap.
When you set up SLIP trap, you can indicate what kinds of events you want trapped and the system conditions for the trap, then specify what action the system is to take when the event occurs during the specified conditions. More info on SLIP trap
How do you set up SLIP trap?
Your SLIP trap may look something as simple as this:
or something as complicated as this:
If the command spreads for 2 lines are less, you can enter it in SDSF - System Command Extension panel:
However, if it spans for more than 2 lines, you cannot enter it in this panel. You need to create a member in SYS1.PARMLIB with the naming convention IEASLPii and save the command in this member. After saving this member, issue this command on SDSF
/T SLIP=ii
This will enable the SLIP trap.
After you set up the trap, run this MVS system command to display it's status:
/RO lpar,D SLIP=slipid