Sunday, May 24, 2009

SYSIBM.SQT* tables and SQLCODE -526

This is going to be a small post ...

If you plan to use the IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ or the DB2 ODBC driver, you must create the SYSIBM.SQT* Tables & SYSIBM.SQL* Stored Procs that provide support for those drivers.

GRANT ALL access to PUBLIC to these tables. Trying to GRANT individual access like GRANT SELECT won't work (you'll get SQLCODE -526).

Monday, May 11, 2009

Trace Master - CICS abend AEYB

My colleague was trying to debug a CICS program in TraceMaster (a Macro4 Prodcut). He got this message:

DFHAC2206 15:45:50 CICTTOR Transaction xxxx failed with abend AZI6. Updates to local recoverable resources backed out. DFHAC2261 System OPR sentmessage (sese code 0824089E). 'DFHAC2206 15:45:50 CICTOPR Transaction xxxx failed with abend AEYB. Updates to local recoverable resources backedout.'

CICS manual describes the condition for code "AEYB" as "INVMPSZ". This "occurs if the specified map is too wide or too long for the terminal." So I had him change the Screen Size on Trace Master profile from "2" for 24x80 to "3"for 32x80 and SAVEd the profile (this is important, Trace Master doesn'tsave the profile automatically).

That fixed the problem.

However, he started getting a "X PROG" after starting the debug session. We looked at the program source code and found what the problem was. Apparently TraceMaster doesn't like FREEKB option. It failed while executing this statement:


We don't understand why the program is doing this to free the keyboard because the SEND of the map has the FREEKB option on it. This problem got resolved when we bypassed this statement while debugging in TraceMaster. This extra 'SEND CONTROL' command seems to be confusing it. To bypass this command, we set a breakpoint at this statement and then did a GOTO (PF13) to the exit to skip the SEND to get it to work.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Mainview Tips

Here are some tips if you are an user of Mainview for z/OS
  • VIEWS command gives you a list of all the VIEWs installed/available
  • Use CON xyza, where xyza is the LPAR name, command to connect to the xyza LPAR
  • Use MSG msgnumber command to get an explanation on the Error Messages displayed by Mainview. e.g., msg BBMXC739
  • Use CUST command to customize a VIEW
  • Use ASU command to update all windows automatically at a particular frequency (similar to the "&n" command in SDSF)
  • SYSSUM view shows how busy the LPAR has been in the prev intervals
  • To bring up multiple windows, use HS (Horizontal Split) or VS (VerticalSplit) to split the screen as required
  • Use CLO n, where n is the window number, to close a window
  • Use Wn;MAX to maximize window number 'n'
  • Use Wn;REST to restore the window to it's original size
  • Type SCREENS to see all the user defined screens
  • Use SCR screenname to jump to a user defined screen
  • To create your own screen, format the window as desired (multiple windows connecting to different systems etc.) and then type SAVESCR screenname
  • Summary VIEWs end with letter Z. e.g., JCPUZ
  • Long Term History data VIEWs end with letter L. e.g., JCPUL
  • If you are in a view like JCPUZ, you can scroll back and forth in time using the command TIME. Type TIME after getting into JCPUZ. Type 'TIME = = NEXT' to go to the NEXT interval and type 'TIME = = PREV' to go to the PREVious interval without changing the interval data and time. Also, you can assign them to PF keys.